Physical vs Observable universes

If the physical universe is expanding, regions of it far enough away will expand faster than light can travel thus creating a ‘cosmological event horizon’ within which is the observable universe floating around like a bubble in a warehouse. Current tools do not provide us a way to measure or even see anything beyond the distance light can travel in the amount of time it has had to reach our eyes, at the center of the bubble, the single point of observation for the universe. Beyond this (currently estimated to be about 90 billion light years) is likely just more universe but as space expands those regions remain forever un-seeable, forever unreachable. There is not likely to ever be a way to measure the physical universe to locate its center, which unlike the observable universe is not likely to be spherically shaped or static in form. Such undefined parameters would lead to shifting in position and require observation in order to even resolve a physical position due to uncertainty principles. Like Schrodinger’s Cat in a box the position of the center of the physical universe would be anywhere inside that box until it was opened and observed.